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I usually have a lot of troubles getting to sleep, but that is not the mean problem, I also have a lot of troubles to staying asleep, but I really don't like how groggy I can feel the next day by taking rivotril for sleep, and also others prescriptions. This is why I buy Ambien on . First I tried melatonin, but that did not worked for me. Do not get me wrong, Melatonin is awesome but definitive it was not too strong and I need something better than a otc sell it on amazon. So After I read this positive review on pillsforall : I took the chace and I got the Stilnox one, after my first order I tried with the cheaper Sanval and was also great for my sleep problem, aka insomnia.Brian Stewart (Oct 10 2015, 18:51 pm)
Hasta la vista, insomnia

I think that the Worst thing about going to the office is just going when you are really groggy. That damn feeling carries on until the end of the working day. And then wen you want to sleep, you are not sleepy anymore :(. That's the cause me a lot of frustration. Thank God for pillsforall and thanks god for Zolpidem. This generic Ambien gives me all I need to have a great dreaming night. I sleep really good for at least 6 hour and I wake up with tons of energized ready to go to the office.Barbara osullivan (Sep 20 2015, 16:02 pm)

I started reviewing zolpidem about a month ago. And this the best Ambien generic that I have taken, so far. I just keep the box on my bedside table near my bed. Once I am settled down I take one pills with a glass of water ( not full, just enouth to swallow ). And within 20 minutes I start to feel like sleep is all I want. So, then I just turn off my tv or my ipad and set it down. Just that fast I am asleep. I could sleep deep through the entire night. Next morning I wake up feeling refreshed and with full of energy.Kizzy DeSantis (Apr 28 2015, 06:32 am)
Now I sleep !

I love these Zolpidem pills. My brother brought on pillsforall for first time 10 years ago ! and so he told me about this site many times but did not used pillsforall till last year cause a big insomnia episode I was suffer. I tried many natural stuff ( from melatonin to other things ) but nothing worked so I gave it a tried to this generic Ambien and worked great, exactly what I wanted. Now I buy Ambien every 2 or 3 months and use it a couple of times per week.Lara Toussaint (Apr 12 2015, 17:04 pm)
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